Monday 13 October 2014


Me participating in my "fun".
It's that TIME of year once again......TIME to run around like chickens with our heads cut off making lunches, getting kids to school ( hate when they "miss the bus"),  getting to work, making dinner, and then rushing the kids off to all their new activities!  When on this earth do we find TIME for the things we like to do?  When do we fit in our fun?

My 8 year old running Cross
Don't get the wrong idea, I love the things my girls have chosen to do .  I am very proud and sometimes even get a little teary eyed when I watch them at an event.  When my 8 year old
Canada's Future Short Track
Olympic Speed Skater
finished her first cross country race, that she worried she may not,  the tears welled right up and I couldn't help jumping up and down with excitement. Lucky for her she isn't totally embarrassed, yet, at my antics. My 6 year old said, this past Sunday after speed skating, she wants
to go to the Olympics.
Future Musician, actor, designer- who
And my 14 year old was the only grade 9 student that made the Theatre Troupe in her High School. I am very thankful that my children have these
amazing opportunities.

Occasionally, I have a mini adult temper tantrum. Yes, there is such a thing, and we've all had at least one. When do I get to do what I want  if I spend all my time doing things for everyone else! That unfortunately, sometimes, runs through my mind.  I realize at this stage in life my kids are  priority but that doesn't mean I should let my goals sit on a shelf until I retire.  Who knows if I will get to retirement age, yes that is morbid, but unlike food, no one knows their expiration date.

Me and Natalie Hart before
swim practice 8:30 pm!
It's important to have interests and goals that are not directly attached to our children. Eventually they will grow up and no longer be our main focus, if we have forgone all of our other interests and goals, what do we do then?  Since my goals and activities are  important to me, and help maintain my physical and mental health, I'm at the drawing board making up the schedule for the household. I don't think there are many moments in my week that are not scheduled. Currently, I've worked it so there are at least 2 nights during the week that the kids don't have any commitments, other than homework. And my coach is working with me to fit my practices around the kids' schedules.  That means some early morning runs, 5:15am, and some late night swims, 8:00-9:30 pm. It means fitting in strength training or short runs at lunch time if necessary, and finding ways to make up strength and core exercise routines I can do at home, with the current equipment I have, when I can't make it to the gym or pool. It means splitting up workouts in the day because I am unable to do it all at once right now. And understanding that I will not be able to fit in everything that I want to do, however, with good scheduling I can fit in a lot!

Fewer workouts and fewer events with friends will happen, ultimately the kids' stuff will take priority more often than not. But the funny thing about TIME, is you can find it when there is something you really want it for. After watching this year's Ironman World Championships in Kona, my goal is to be there in 2 years, and have the fastest swim of the event, even if I am not a Pro, like my former TCU teammate and suite mate, Amanda Stevens.
Dr. Amanda Stevens-Sadler. First out of
water 2014 Ironman World Championships
N2O photo
It won't be easy, and my time will have to be managed closely to be able to be there for my family, maintain my career, and rock out some good training. I am finding like minded individuals to help make training more fun and social (cause the social is very important for me).  
As I've said before, this will not be easy.  It is a struggle each day for me to fit in time for my pursuits around taking kids to swimming, skating, sewing, etc., and there will be times when I fail either at home or on the journey to my personal goals. So I will keep on adjusting the schedule and perhaps tweaking the goals where necessary, and working with my family for continued support.
My Family

For those of you like me, trying to juggle family, work, business, etc, etc, is possible to find TIME for the things that you enjoy.  It may not be as much time as you'd ideally like, but time none the less.

Let me ask you,  Is there something you'd like to do? How important is it for you to accomplish that goal? Now find ways in your life schedule to fit it in.  Start with 20 minutes a day.  Split it up if you have to.  But make the time for you for what's important in your life and then share it with others. Don't be like I've been up til now and try to do it all on your own, ask for help from your family. Remember, time in not unlimited. 

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